Priceline Express Deals has been fixed, please update the extension.

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Travelers Love Us

This came up on my FYP, used it for the first time to book tickets last minute. It was during a very in high demand concert so hotels prices were surging! However this extension helped me find a hotel for $81. It was a steal, also the creator of this app is SO helpful. Deserves it all. Thank you so much for this

- Mafer D

I used it for a 2 night stay at a 5 star hotel in Sydney and saved over $500AUD! So it brought the hotel into my budget.

- Malissa Thorpe

Just booked an all-inclusive 4 star resort in Cabo for a super affordable rate, the Priceline reveal feature is a lifesaver!

- Sean Warby

Super clever way to minimize your travel costs!

- Tom Vazhekatt

I'm a traveller and I love the Priceline feature. It's super easy to use and I love the fact that I can see the prices in real time.

- Spot Ifycal

Amazing tool! Will definitely reveal the hotel names accurately! Get it, y'all!

- Darshan Bhatta

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